Practical Assistance and Community Outreach Workers help people and their families to meet their practical needs. Focusing on the social determinants of health, these workers can help find resources and solutions that could assist clients with their day-to-day living. The RFLA Allied Health Team Practical Assistance Worker offers support to clients in numerous ways: For more information, […]
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The Smoking Treatment for Ontario Patients (STOP) program is offered at most of our primary sites. Counselling support and Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) are offered at no cost to patients wishing to quit smoking cigarettes. NRT supplies – including Nicotine patches, gum, inhaler, lozenges, and mouth spray – are available as needed for 26 weeks. […]
Sexual health services specialize in sexual and reproductive health. This can include birth control, pregnancy tests and counselling, sexual health education, sexuality counselling and support, as well as the prevention, detection, and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STI). At NACHC we offer several sexual health services, including: For more information or an appointment with the […]
Registered Dietitians help people understand the connection between their health and their food choices. Our dietitian offers individual nutrition counselling and runs some group programs
KCHC's team of multidisciplinary healthcare professionals offers a wide array of community-based services for those living with chronic lung disease, including but not limited to those living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, and complex respiratory care needs.
Counselling and therapy services are offered to individuals who are patients, clients, or participants in KCHC programs.
Our foot care nurse specializes in diabetic and advanced foot care.
The Smoking Treatment for Ontario Patients (STOP) program is offered at most of our primary sites, and offers counselling support and Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) at no cost to patients wishing to quit smoking cigarettes.
The Street Health Centre Shuttle service runs Monday to Friday. It makes regular runs to the Integrated Care Hub on Montreal Street at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. daily. The shuttle service is also available to take clients to special appointments, including medical and practical assistance, Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. […]
Catalyst is a 16-week program aimed at reducing crystal methamphetamine use and bolstering access to health care and social support.
Consumption and Treatment Services In 2018, KCHC began operating a supervised consumption site at the Barrack Street site of Street Health Centre with services being moved to the Integrated Care Hub in 2020. KCHC is one of many organizations across Canada that have an exemption from Health Canada that allows the provision of health services in a compassionate and hygienic […]
Our Community Connections program offers support in smaller group settings or on an individual basis
Street Health Centre’s Hepatitis C program is one of 15 provincially funded teams in Ontario providing access to education, testing and treatment for individuals who have difficulty accessing mainstream healthcare services. These services are delivered in a multi-disciplinary community-based, harm reduction setting where clients can access a number of professional including: registered treatment nurse, liver […]
Our Regional Self-Management team offers free community workshops for people who live with chronic conditions, chronic pain, diabetes, and cancer, as well as for caregivers.
This program offers practical advice, information referral, and connects individuals and families with appropriate resources within the community.
A 16-session program where participants examine their own experience of poverty and develop a plan of change for their life.
Circles Kingston supports people living in poverty toward their self-sufficiency goals by building connections across socio-economic lines.
Individuals using injection and inhalant drugs can access free, sterile supplies at Street Health Centre. All supplies are for one-time use and accessing supplies is confidential.
We are proud to be the site of the Transgender Health Program for the South East region of Ontario. This program is staffed by a full-time Nurse Practitioner and a full-time Social Worker.
We provide oral health services to low-income individuals and families with limited or no access to dental care.
Our registered practical nurse offers foot care to Kingston area residents for significant health problems.
Our Community Development team meets people where they are at and advocates for their success.