The Lennox & Addington Youth Services is based out of the Napanee Area Community Health Centre and offers services and programs to youth aged 10 to 25 and their families.
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OHRDP coordinates the distribution of harm reduction supplies.
Consumption and Treatment Services In 2018, KCHC began operating a supervised consumption site at the Barrack Street site of Street Health Centre with services being moved to the Integrated Care Hub in 2020. KCHC is one of many organizations across Canada that have an exemption from Health Canada that allows the provision of health services in a compassionate and hygienic […]
Kingston Immigration Partnership (KIP) is a collaborative effort of local agencies, community leaders, businesses and individuals that work towards building a welcoming, inclusive, and resilient community for newcomers living in Kingston.
Our Community Connections program offers support in smaller group settings or on an individual basis
Adversity experienced in childhood might be the most important predictor of adult health, social outcomes and well-being. Teach Resilience exists to spread the message and support steps towards stronger, healthier, and more vibrant communities.
This program supports patients and families with respiratory assessments and provides information regarding lung health.
The Portable OutReach Care Hub (PORCH) is a retro-fitted RV that provides health care and community services to those who may face barriers to accessing care, particularly those facing homelessness. Services include: PORCH urban and rural sites include: PORCH hits the road two to three days/week and offers a variety of services, which are dependent on the […]
The virtual care program facilitates virtual appointments for patients with an existing specialist or health care provider using secure video conferencing technology.
Bridges Out of Poverty is one-day, virtual workshop that is open to all KCHC staff, including those in management or service-delivery.