Caring for a family member or friend with a chronic condition can be physically, emotionally, and financially draining. This self-care educational program for family caregivers builds the skills caregivers need to take better care of themselves as they provide care for others. Caregiver participants learn to minimize the stress of caregiving in a weekly program emphasizing self-care and empowerment. Powerful Tools for Caregivers has served caregivers of adults with chronic conditions for over twenty years.
Caregivers are:
- Spouse or partner of an adult with a chronic condition
- Adult children of aging parents
- Parent of children with special health and behavioral needs
- Grandparent raising grandchildren with special needs
- • Long-distance caregiver
“There was a common bond. We were all dealing with some of the same issues. We shared our stories and learned ways to cope. I learned that it was important to take care of me.”
–PTC Caregiver Class Participant
In the six weekly classes, caregivers develop a wealth of self-care tools to reduce personal stress, change negative self-talk, communicate their needs to family and healthcare or service providers, communicate effectively in challenging situations, recognize the messages in their emotions, deal with difficult feelings, and make tough caregiving decisions. Class participants also receive a copy of The Caregiver Helpbook.
Class topics:
- Taking Care of You
- Identifying and Reducing Personal Stress
- Communicating Feelings, Needs, and Concerns
- Communicating in Challenging Situations
- Learning From Our Emotions
- Mastering Caregiving Decisions