Registered Dietitians help people understand the connection between their health and their food choices. Our dietitian offers individual nutrition counselling and runs some group programs
Cette maison de santé fournit des soins primaires et sert de point d'accès communautaire important pour la fourniture de services de santé à l'ensemble de la communauté, y compris les dépistages du cancer, les soins prénataux, les soins de santé pour les bébés et les services de santé sexuelle.
KCHC is a proud partner in this clinic providing well-baby health care for infants who do not have a primary care provider. Along with Queen’s School of Nursing and KFL&A Public Health, we have developed a newborn and early childhood clinic. It is estimated that 20 babies a month are born in the Kingston area who […]
This program offers practical advice, information and referrals, and connects families with children 0-6 to services needed.
Learn to massage your infant and discuss topics like reading infant cues, infant brain development, and stress management.
EarlyON Child and Family Centres offer programs for parents and caregivers with children from birth to six years old.
Weller Clinic's Family Health Educators (FHEs) promote family and childhood health outcomes, with a focus on early and school years.