Smoking Cessation in Kingston

Ce programme est offert aux endroits suivants.

Barrack Site Weller Site Midtown Kingston Health Home


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The Smoking Treatment for Ontario Patients (STOP) program is offered at most of our primary sites. Counselling support and Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) are offered at no cost to patients wishing to quit smoking cigarettes. It is funded by the Government of Ontario as part of the Smoke-Free Ontario Strategy.

You have four times greater chance of quitting using NRT than trying to quit cold turkey. Using NRT decreases withdrawal symptoms like irritability and cravings for nicotine. Nicotine patches, gum, inhaler, lozenges, and mouth spray are available as needed for 26 weeks at no cost to you.

KCHC offers one-on-one support with a staff member trained in helping people quit smoking cigarettes. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you can make an appointment as well. If you join the program, you will discuss your quit plan with a staff member and get started with NRT. You will meet for appointments every two to four weeks to talk about what is working and what is not working for you. All information is private and confidential.

You do not need a referral: if you are eligible, you can book an appointment yourself.

  • To be eligible, you must have an OHIP card and live in Ontario, and you must be a current smoker or have quit smoking cigarettes within the last month.
  • If you are under 16, we will need a parent or guardian’s consent.
  • If you are part of a Family Health Team (FHT) that offers STOP, you should access this program via your FHT.
  • If you have participated in the STOP program in the past, it must have been at least one year since you were last enrolled.

Contact us at the most convenient Available Location (on right side bar) to see if you are eligible to participate.

Barrack Site
Téléphone: (613) 549-1440
Weller Site
Téléphone: 613-542-2949
Midtown Kingston Health Home
Téléphone: 613-542-6793

STOP flyer
février 21, 2024 (436 Ko)
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