

Allotment gardens have plots (allotments) that individuals/families can rent year-to-year for growing their own crops. Many allotment gardens also include donation plots, seed saving plots, and other projects. ​Below is a list of all the allotment gardens in Kingston. If you are looking to get a garden plot, please contact the coordinator of the garden you […]

Barrack Site Providence Care Site

Catalyst is a 16-week program aimed at reducing crystal methamphetamine use and bolstering access to health care and social support.


Collective gardens are gardens that are managed communally by a group of people. Many collective gardens grow produce for donation. Some are open to the public to get involved, others are exclusively for the staff/volunteers/clientele of a particular agency. Aetewahyahrónsheke (We All Grow Together) Aetewahyahrónsheke is an Indigenous youth-led and community volunteer-based garden project that […]

Immigrant Services Kingston and Area (ISKA)

Our Community Connections program offers support in smaller group settings or on an individual basis

Weller Site

Our Community Development team meets people where they are at and advocates for their success.


Community orchards, or food forests, are plantings of fruit and/or nut trees that are managed by community groups. Some are attached to existing community gardens, some are independent. Below is a list of community orchards and food forests in Kingston. KCHC Food Forest​ Located within the KCHC Production Garden, this mini food forest was planted […]

Weller Site

A community-driven initiative that allows anyone to purchase an assorted basket of fruits and vegetables for less than the cost at the grocery store.

Weller Site

Kingston Community Health Centres convenes the Kingston Community Gardens Network (KCGN), with the support of the City of Kingston. The Network was established to support the creation of new community gardens on City-owned property, and to help existing community gardens flourish. At times, we may be able to support the creation of community gardens on […]

GNHH-RFLA Allied Health Team GNHH-Napanee Area Community Health Centre

Registered Dietitians help people understand the connection between their health and their food choices. Our dietitian offers individual nutrition counselling and runs some group programs

Weller Site

If you cannot access a dietitian through your family health team, you may self-refer or ask your health care practitioner for a referral. Clients and participants must live in the Kingston area or be a client of Kingston Community Health Centres.

GNHH-RFLA Allied Health Team

Practical Assistance and Community Outreach Workers help people and their families to meet their practical needs. Focusing on the social determinants of health, these workers can help find resources and solutions that could assist clients with their day-to-day living. The RFLA Allied Health Team Practical Assistance Worker offers support to clients in numerous ways: For more information, […]

GNHH-RFLA Allied Health Team

The Rural Frontenac, Lennox & Addington (RFLA) Allied Health Team is part of the Greater Napanee Health Home. To complement the primary care provided by your family doctor or nurse practitioner, this team provides allied health services to patients of the primary care practices in the region. These services – including individual appointments and group programs […]

Weller Site

Seniors 55+ struggling to make ends meet can receive a free box of fresh produce and dry goods, delivered to their home monthly.

Weller Site

Primary health care services are available at 263 Weller Ave. We are currently at capacity, but will take on unattached patients who are pregnant (for prenatal care). We are currently unable to take on any other patients, including children under five years of age.

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