Enfants et jeunes

Weller Site

Our Community Development team meets people where they are at and advocates for their success.

GNHH-Napanee Area Community Health Centre Weller Site

We welcome patients who qualify through the integrated Healthy Smiles Ontario program that expands access to dental services to more children and youth from low-income families.

Weller Site

EarlyON Child and Family Centres offer programs for parents and caregivers with children from birth to six years old.

Weller Site

A community-driven initiative that allows anyone to purchase an assorted basket of fruits and vegetables for less than the cost at the grocery store.

Immigrant Services Kingston and Area (ISKA)

ISKA envisions Kingston as a community strengthened by the contributions and skills of immigrants, newcomers, and refugees. We offer a variety of settlement programs and services.

Midtown Kingston Health Home

Cette maison de santé fournit des soins primaires et sert de point d'accès communautaire important pour la fourniture de services de santé à l'ensemble de la communauté, y compris les dépistages du cancer, les soins prénataux, les soins de santé pour les bébés et les services de santé sexuelle.

GNHH-RFLA Allied Health Team GNHH-Napanee Area Community Health Centre

Registered Dietitians help people understand the connection between their health and their food choices. Our dietitian offers individual nutrition counselling and runs some group programs

Weller Site

Students and staff sitting at a table at programming

Weller Site

The Planet Health Program gives Pathways and Immigrant Services Kingston and Area (ISKA) youth the opportunity to learn about community environmental initiatives and take part in hands-on learning activities.

Weller Site

This program offers practical advice, information and referrals, and connects families with children 0-6 to services needed.

GNHH-RFLA Allied Health Team

This program supports patients and families with respiratory assessments and provides information regarding lung health.

Weller Site

School Readiness programs are for children who are not currently attending day care or nursery school and will be attending junior kindergarten the following September.  

Weller Site St. Geneviève Catholic School

Learn to massage your infant and discuss topics like reading infant cues, infant brain development, and stress management.

GNHH-Napanee Area Community Health Centre

The Lennox & Addington Youth Services is based out of the Napanee Area Community Health Centre and offers services and programs to youth aged 10 to 25 and their families.

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