Personnes âgées

Weller Site

Our Community Development team meets people where they are at and advocates for their success.

GNHH-Napanee Area Community Health Centre Weller Site

We are proud to be part of the Ontario Senior Dental Care Program, supporting Ontarians aged 65 and over with a net income of $22,200 or less or a couple with a combined annual income of $37,100 or less and without existing dental benefits.

Midtown Kingston Health Home

Cette maison de santé fournit des soins primaires et sert de point d'accès communautaire important pour la fourniture de services de santé à l'ensemble de la communauté, y compris les dépistages du cancer, les soins prénataux, les soins de santé pour les bébés et les services de santé sexuelle.

GNHH-RFLA Allied Health Team GNHH-Napanee Area Community Health Centre

Registered Dietitians help people understand the connection between their health and their food choices. Our dietitian offers individual nutrition counselling and runs some group programs

GNHH-RFLA Allied Health Team

The Rural Frontenac, Lennox & Addington (RFLA) Allied Health Team is part of the Greater Napanee Health Home. To complement the primary care provided by your family doctor or nurse practitioner, this team provides allied health services to patients of the primary care practices in the region. These services – including individual appointments and group programs […]

Weller Site

Seniors 55+ struggling to make ends meet can receive a free box of fresh produce and dry goods, delivered to their home monthly.

Weller Site

Our Super Seniors program gives older adults in the community an opportunity to volunteer and connect with their neighbours.

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