Collective gardens are gardens that are managed communally by a group of people. Many collective gardens grow produce for donation. Some are open to the public to get involved, others are exclusively for the staff/volunteers/clientele of a particular agency.
Aetewahyahrónsheke (We All Grow Together)
Aetewahyahrónsheke is an Indigenous youth-led and community volunteer-based garden project that focuses on revitalization of Indigenous plants, Indigenous foods and food systems. This garden is entirely led by the KNCLN Youth Council, and aims to raise awareness and promote education related to youth access to land, medicines and gardening. This garden promotes autonomy and leadership roles within the Urban Indigenous Youth population living in Katarokwi. Sponsored by Hartington Equipment
- Location: Shannon Park
- Contact: Claire, [email protected]
AMHS Garden
This is a therapeutic garden for Addictions & Mental Health Services clients.
- Location: 31 Lyons St.
- Contact: Susan, [email protected]
Compton Park Garden
This beautiful garden is operated collectively by a community of neighbours.
- Location: Helen St. side of Compton Park (corner of Carruthers)
- Contact: Kelli, [email protected]
Extend-A-Family Diversity Garden
This is an accessible community and sensory garden where people learn, explore, relax and grow. The Diversity Garden was designed with the vision of being a catalyst for community development focused on social interactions, opportunities for recreation, exercise, therapy and education. This community and sensory garden also delivers an opportunity for intergenerational and cross-cultural connections for the people we support.
- Location: 361 Montreal St.
- Contact: Ian, [email protected]
Gitigaaninaan (Our Garden)
An Indigenous-led and community volunteer-based garden project that focuses on revitalization of Indigenous plants, Indigenous foods and food systems. The purpose of this garden is to grow medicines, traditional plants and flowers that promote biodiversity. These medicines and plants are then harvested and distributed to Indigenous community members in the Katarokwi area.
- Location: City Park Between the Washroom and Fountain
- Contact: Claire, [email protected]
Highway 15 Indigenous Food Sovereignty Garden
All Our Relations Land Trust is growing food and medicines to share with community. The garden has three raised beds and a large in-ground bed for a total of 880 square feet of growing space, as well as mounds planned for the Three Sisters: corn, beans and squash. In addition, there are a number of young trees they are caring for including willow, sugar maple, paw paw, pin oak and cedars. The diversity of the trees suggests the diversity of the landscape with a more wetland area that borders the property and an upland area where the garden is located.
- Location: 1467 Hwy 15
- Contact: Maureen and Kaitlyn, [email protected]
KCHC Education Garden
This garden is managed by a team of Kingston Community Health Centres staff and volunteers. Workshops and educational events run in collaboration with Kingston Frontenac Public Library at this site. There are 16 raised beds, half at 24″ high and half at 12″ (best for children).
- Location: 88 Wright Cres. (Calvin Park Branch, KFPL)
- Contact: Marie, [email protected]
KCHC Production Garden
This 6000 square foot garden is managed by a team of Kingston Community Health Centres staff and volunteers. This site includes a Food Forest planted in 2024.
- Location: 480 Elliott Ave., hosted by Dutch Heritage Villa Seniors Centre
- Contact: Marie, [email protected]
McBurney Park Community Garden
This community garden consists of four raised beds managed collectively by the McBurney Park Neighbourhood Association. The harvest is shared amongst neighbours.
- Location: Southeast corner of McBurney Park, along Ordnance Street.
- Contact: Kate, [email protected]
Mike Lee Desjardins Insurance Community Garden
This new community garden consists of three raised beds. It is located on municipal land at the Kingston East Community Centre, and is sponsored by Mike Lee Desjardins Insurance.
- Location: 779 Highway 15
- Contact: We are seeking a garden coordinator for this site. For more information, contact Marie, [email protected]
Salvation Army Community Garden
Located at the Salvation Army Community and Family Services on Patrick St. Produce grown is used in programs and made available to the public.
- Location: 342 Patrick St.
- Contact: Tiffany, [email protected]
Sydenham Street United Church
The purpose of this garden is to create a biologically productive and educational space in which members can learn about and engage in urban agriculture. In doing so, they seek to lessen the disconnect between people and our food and promote concepts of food sovereignty.
- Location: 82 Sydenham St.
- Contact: Donna, [email protected]