Harm Reduction

Barrack Site Providence Care Site

Catalyst is a 16-week program aimed at reducing crystal methamphetamine use and bolstering access to health care and social support.

Consumption and Treatment Services

Consumption and Treatment Services In 2018, KCHC began operating a supervised consumption site at the Barrack Street site of Street Health Centre with services being moved to the Integrated Care Hub in 2020. KCHC is one of many organizations across Canada that have an exemption from Health Canada that allows the provision of health services in a compassionate and hygienic […]

Weller Site

Individuals using injection and inhalation drugs can access free, sterile supplies at our Weller site. All supplies are for one-time use and accessing supplies is convenient and confidential.

Barrack Site

Individuals using injection and inhalant drugs can access free, sterile supplies at Street Health Centre. All supplies are for one-time use and accessing supplies is confidential.

Barrack Site

OHRDP coordinates the distribution of harm reduction supplies.

Barrack Site

The Portable OutReach Care Hub (PORCH) is a retro-fitted RV that provides health care and community services to those who may face barriers to accessing care, particularly those facing homelessness. Services include: PORCH urban and rural sites include: PORCH hits the road two to three days/week and offers a variety of services, which are dependent on the […]

Barrack Site

RAAM services provide rapid access to specially trained providers and evidence-based treatment for people with substance use disorders. These services are provided by a multi-disciplinary team that includes nurse practitioners, registered nurses, case managers, counselors, harm reduction workers and community support workers. RAAM offers both medication and psychosocial interventions from the first visit, ensuring a […]

Barrack Site Consumption and Treatment Services

Funded in part by United Way Kingston Frontenac Lennox and Addington, the Street Health Centre Shuttle service runs Monday to Friday. It makes regular runs to the Integrated Care Hub on Montreal Street at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. daily. The shuttle service is also available to take clients to special appointments, including medical and […]

Barrack Site

The Street Health Centre (SHC) is open 365 days a year to deliver health services through a wrap-around care model for people who face barriers accessing mainstream health services. SHC began as a needle exchange program in 1992 and has evolved into a multi-service model providing health, disease prevention, primary care, and treatment services. SHC […]

Weller Site

Thrive is for women who are pregnant and/or parenting children under the age of six and have been or currently are substance involved or receiving methadone treatment?

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