
Weller Site

Individuals using injection and inhalation drugs can access free, sterile supplies at our Weller site. All supplies are for one-time use and accessing supplies is convenient and confidential.


Gain skills, resources and confidence to better manage your life with cancer.


This is a 12-week (90-minute) skill-building group for those with significant challenges with tolerating emotional distress and regulating behaviour.


This self-care educational program for family caregivers builds the skills caregivers need to take better care of themselves as they provide care for others.


Developed by universities this six-week series of 2.5 hour interactive workshops will help you with nearly any chronic health or pain condition that you are experiencing


This six-week series of 2.5 hour interactive workshops will help you with nearly any chronic condition that you are experiencing (see below for examples).


Developed by universities, the Diabetes Self-Management Program runs for six weeks for 2.5 hours/week, and gives you knowledge and skills to put your diabetes care plan into action.


This 1.5 hour interactive workshop focuses on what to do before, during, and after an appointment and uses action planning to optimize people’s health.


We offer FREE evidence-based self-management trainings and workshops to clients, caregivers and health care professionals across the South East Ontario region

Midtown Kingston Health Home

Counselling and therapy services are offered to individuals, couples and families living in Kingston, who are patients, clients, or participants in Midtown Kingston Health Home programs.

Midtown Kingston Health Home

This non-medical service will help improve your overall physical and mental health, and allow you to build more meaningful connections around you.

Midtown Kingston Health Home

This program offers practical advice, information, referral, and connects individuals and families with appropriate resources within the community.

Weller Site

Our Super Seniors program gives older adults in the community an opportunity to volunteer and connect with their neighbours.

Midtown Kingston Health Home

Kingston Community Health Centres Preventive Care Screening Program allows eligible individuals cancer screening. You do not need to have a Primary Care Provider to access screening.

Kingston Immigration Partnership

To celebrate the contributions made by exceptional and visionary newcomer entrepreneurs, Kingston Immigration Partnership and the Kingston Economic Development Corporation have established the Kingston Newcomer Entrepreneurs Award.

Midtown Kingston Health Home

Through our prenatal care program, we help connect clients to a physician, nurse practitioner, obstetrician or midwife.

Midtown Kingston Health Home

Midtown Kingston Health Home offers sexual health appointments.

Midtown Kingston Health Home

People who do not currently have a physician or nurse practitioner can book appointments for concerning health issues with the clinical team at the Midtown Kingston Health Home.

Midtown Kingston Health Home

Quick testing for chlamydia and gonorrhea is available at our Midtown site on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9 to 11 a.m. and 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.

GNHH-Napanee Area Community Health Centre

The Access Clinic at the NACHC site offers primary care for urgent health issues for people who have already been rostered to the GNHH but have not had their first appointment with their primary care provider.

GNHH-Napanee Area Community Health Centre

Supporting best practices for safer drug use The Napanee Area Community Health Centre (NACHC) offers free sterile supplies for people who inject or inhale drugs.  All supplies are for one-time use and accessing supplies is confidential. The provision of sterile harm reduction supplies is key to reducing the risks associated with using drugs, such as […]

GNHH-RFLA Allied Health Team

Practical Assistance and Community Outreach Workers help people and their families to meet their practical needs. Focusing on the social determinants of health, these workers can help find resources and solutions that could assist clients with their day-to-day living. The RFLA Allied Health Team Practical Assistance Worker offers support to clients in numerous ways: For more information, […]

GNHH-Napanee Area Community Health Centre GNHH-RFLA Allied Health Team

The Smoking Treatment for Ontario Patients (STOP) program is offered at most of our primary sites. Counselling support and Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) are offered at no cost to patients wishing to quit smoking cigarettes. NRT supplies – including Nicotine patches, gum, inhaler, lozenges, and mouth spray – are available as needed for 26 weeks. […]

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